TBQ Bioresonance for Life

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Rejuvenation Card

High Frequency Pentagrammaton, the most advanced for Rejuvenation and Beauty.

Con más de 80 códigos de frecuencia para estimular las células de forma natural, sin necesidad de dispositivos electrónicos o invasivos en el cuerpo, trabaja continuamente para reacondicionar la información del cuerpo de hombres y mujeres de cualquier edad.

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The aging process is a condition we are born with, but it does not affect all people in the same way. Some have a genetic predisposition that delays aging and allows them to preserve themselves better over time.

Aging shows itself with changes in our body. Such as hair loss, the appearance of gray hair and the loss of flexibility in tissues due to the decrease in hyaluronic acid and collagen. These factors contribute to the formation of wrinkles, dark circles and the loss of skin's freshness. In addition, difficulties may arise in eliminating toxins, which in turn can cause problems such as bad skin odor, halitosis and spots on the hands and face.

Aging can lead to different digestive disorders, constipation, inflammation and problems with the bladder, including involuntary loss of urine. In addition, it is common to experience loss of vision, osteoarthritis, decreased muscle mass and loss of teeth, which can affect our vitality and beauty.

However, it is important to note that beauty is not limited to physical appearance alone. Beauty also lies in the joy we feel, the self-esteem that elevates us, and the energy that allows us to see life with optimism. It is that inner beauty that drives us to face the challenges of aging with a positive and enriching attitude.

In short, although aging can bring with it certain changes in our appearance and health, it is essential to value the beauty that resides deep within us, in our emotions, experiences and how we face each stage of life with acceptance and gratitude.

The pentagrammaton is a bioresonant device that is activated with your body's own energy and is complementary to all the care you are already doing, such as a good diet, taking care of your skin, hair, teeth and your natural cosmetic care. While you do all this to take care of yourself on the outside, the device works from the inside, at the cellular level, which is where the important metabolic processes and all the changes in your body take place.

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¿Con qué frecuencias biorresonantes trabaja nuestra exclusiva tarjeta?

Inmunidad, elasticidad muscular, elastina, colágeno, ácido hialurónico, anti ronquera, anti obesidad, anti artrosis, anti degeneración, anti manchas en la piel, anti alopecia, anti vista cansada, antifatiga, optimismo, anticaries, mejorar las encías, fortalecer huesos, mejorar la articulación de las rodillas, bajar de peso, reducir la papada, evita la incontinencia urinaria, anti prostatitis, fortalecer las uñas, aumentar el vigor, mejorar la digestión, regular las enzimas, aumentar la sexualidad, reducir la impotencia, aumentar deseo sexual, mejorar la memoria, mejorar coordinación, atraer el dinero, aumentar la hormona del crecimiento, reducir las toxinas, aumentar la melatonina, aumentar la serotonina, recuperar el equilibrio, favorecer el rejuvenecimiento, aumentar la autoestima, conectar con la espiritualidad, fortalecer la musculatura, reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, obtener suerte y otras frecuencias complementarias. 

¿Cómo funciona la tarjeta?

PURCHASE YOUR BIO-RESONANT CARD NOW and not only will you be able to regain a good appearance, but you will also do so with a charisma and friendliness that others will like, if you add to that the experience you already have to better enjoy your life! Imagine the result !


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