TBQ Bioresonance for Life

Transforming your health care.

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What is Bioresonance

What is TBQ Bioresonance?

TBQ gENiO® SAPIENS is an advanced therapy that integrates bioresonance and psychotherapy to promote and maintain optimal health. It adapts to individual needs using information from the patient's body, producing natural results and balancing physical and mental health. We offer personalized treatments tailored to each specific problem, along with a variety of additional approaches:

  • Adapted Lifestyle: We adapt the treatment to each specific problem.
  • Accuracy: We provide detailed information using VARHOP and bioresonant biomarkers to facilitate decision making.
  • Evolutionary: We adapt to the changing needs and expectations of each patient.
  • Personalized: We design interventions considering the history, preferences and individual context of each person.
  • Complementary: We offer a holistic approach to meeting individual needs, promoting overall well-being.

Our service stands out for providing continuous therapeutic support to help patients achieve their health and self-care goals. During regular consultations, we perform health assessments, establish preventive goals, and provide psychotherapeutic support to promote emotional and personal balance. Experience gENiO® SAPIENS TBQ and discover physical and emotional well-being in a single session!


TBQ Quantum Bioresonance uses electromagnetic waves adjusted to the cellular frequency. A computer connected to an interface transmits wave frequencies, in order to harmonize the body's cells and promote optimal physical and energetic balance. This process is based on the idea that each cell in the body emits a unique electromagnetic frequency, and by synchronizing these frequencies, one can balance and improve overall health and well-being.

What TBQ can do

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