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Agotamiento endocrino

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Endocrine Depletion

Hay diferentes razones y causas para la falta de energía, pueden darse por una mala nutrición, una enfermedad, exceso de ejercicio físico, un distrés al límite, una depresión, etc. Aquí voy a explicar qué glándulas intervienen directamente con el agotamiento, la fatiga crónica, y el cansancio físico y mental. Comprender esto es fundamental y tener los cuidados adecuados pueden ayudar a mejorar la vida de una persona.
The thyroid and metabolism.

If we have to talk about energy, surely it should start with a brief explanation about the thyroid and the circuit of its functioning, in which the thyroid participates. pituitary and hypothalamus.

the thyroid glandIt is located in the lower part of the throat, while the other two are found in the middle and lower part of the brain. (see images)

The hypothalamus

It has very important functions. In general it responds by segregating neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, corresponding to the stimuli received from the neural network of our brain, which sends these stimuli in the form of neurotransmitters, depending on information that it has processedour senses, which in turn receives from the outside and sends them to the brain in the formof electromagnetic impulses.

The hypothalamus is involved in the regulation of body temperature, sleep, hunger and satiety (leptin), aggressive and defensive behaviors, and memory.

The pituitary or pituitary

It is located in the middle part and below the lobes of the brain, it is very small but very important. It is divided into two lobes; the before and the after.

The anterior lobe which secretes four hormones:
  • The H. of the growth or GH,
  • The Prolactin either PRL that intervenes with the production of breast milk,
  • The H. which stimulates the adrenal cortex or ACTH ,
  • and the H. thyroid stimulant or TSH.
The posterior lobe secretes only two hormones:
  • The H. antidiuretic or ADH vasopressinto, and regulates blood pressure.
  • and Oxytocin that produces contractions in childbirth.

"It is said that the oxytocin is responsible for the desire for physical contact, and that together with the dopamine and the endorphins They make up the 3 hormones of love, although there are others that continue to be studied.

The hormones it secretes The pituitary gland regulates homeostasis in the body.

La Tiroides

Formada por dos lóbulos, y dos glándulas paratiroideas (situadas en la cara posterior de la tiroides)
La tiroides utiliza el yodo (0,15mg/día) de la dieta para formar tiroxina o T4.

Las hormonas de la tiroides son importantes para el aumento del calor en el cuerpo, el consumo de oxígeno, y en la síntesis de muchas proteínas; por lo que son importantes en el crecimiento y la formación del sistema nervioso central. 

Es evidente que para el aumento de calor y el consumo de oxigeno en el cuerpo intervienen en el metabolismo los carbohidratos y de las grasas (lípidos).  

Funcionamiento del circuito de la tiroides (resumen)

  • Cuando hay una demanda de energía física, mental o emocional, el hipotálamo actúa segregando la h. hipotalámica, que estimula a la hipófisis para que segregue TSH proporcionalmente a la demanda.

  • La TSH será segregada por la hipófisis y estimulará a su vez a la tiroides para que segregue tiroxina o T4, la cual será proporcional a la que se puede encontrar en la circulación sanguinea, evitando con esto un exceso de T4 y TSH, que de otra forma producirían un desequilibrio y un desgaste energético innecesario.

Cellular metabolism

When T4 reaches the cells of our body, a reaction will occur due to the ENZYME Diiodinase, which will displace an atom from the T4 to convert it to T3.

T3 is very active and promotes the combustion of fats, oxygen and glucose. (see sweet drug article) which will be converted into the energy necessary for the cell to fulfill its function.

"If for any reason the T4 does not convert to T3, the process of burning glucose to form energy slows down, as the T4 is very slowa, while the T3 is much faster."

For this reason, if there is a problem with the functioning of the thyroid, the physical problems become more complicated, as in the case of hypothyroidism, which can occur due to the following causes:

  • Lack of yodor in the diet.
  • That pituitary gland does not secrete enough THS reducing thyroid activity.
  • that the thyroid do not secrete enough T4 (low iodine diet)
  • If there is a difficulty for the T4 becomes T3, despite good food and nutrition, the conversion of glucose into energy will slow down, which will result in fatigue, among other symptoms.
And surprise... the latter is more common than we imagine.

Una persona con hipotiroidismo clínico o sub-clínico, presentará algunos síntomas parecidos a los de la anemia:

  • Cansancio, 
  • Heces duras o estreñimiento, 
  • fatiga, 
  • falta de fuerza y dolor muscular o articular, sobrepeso, 
  • la piel se ve pálida o seca, 
  • perdida de cabello, 
  • aumento a la sensibilidad del frío, sobre todo en pies y manos, 
  • bajo o nulo deseo sexual. 
  • En casos crónicos fragilidad capilar y perdida de la masa ósea.
  • Aumento de peso difícil de bajar.
  • Bocio a veces.
  • Párpados hinchados
  • Apatía o indiferencia, 
  • lentitud mental, 
  • se dejan las cosas sin terminar, 
  • tristeza o depresión.
Hormonalmente en las mujeres: Períodos menstruales abundantes o irregulares.

En el caso de hipertiroidismo los síntomas más comunes son

  • Nerviosismo excesivo, 
  • Ansiedad,
  • Irritabilidad y prontos sin justificación aparente.
  • Cansancio
  • Ojos Saltones
  • Sudoración, 
  • Piel húmeda
  • Sensación de Calor
  • Palpitaciones, 
  • Temblor de manos, 
  • Pérdida de peso con buen apetito, 
  • Dificultad para dormir, 
  • Adelgazamiento, 
  • Cabello fino y quebradizo, 
  • Deposiciones frecuentes
  • y algunas veces Bocio.
La causa más común en la enfermedad de Graves Basedow, cuyo origen es autoinmune. Es el propio organismo el que genera anticuerpos que estimulan la glándula para que sintetice más hormonas tiroideas.

The most common causes of Hypothyroidism.

  • Lack of iodine in the diet.
  • Medication
Causes that block the conversion of T4 to T3
  • Mercury contamination in blood.
  • Lack of Selenium
  • Excessive consumption of foods with goitrogens
  • Fluorine
There may be signs of early hypothyroidism, even though the symptoms are not clear, where we can see that the patient mainly presents; tiredness, depression and some other associated symptoms. All this despite the fact that laboratory analysis tends to show normal values.

He hiccupthyroidism is more common than hyperthyroidism.

It is also presented more frequently in women than in men.

In these cases it is advisable to monitor body temperature, especially when getting up in the morning, as this may reveal a picture of sub-clinical hypothyroidism.
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